The Lady Garden Foundation is a national women's health charity raising funds and awareness for the five gynaecological cancers. Since launching the foundation in 2014, they have donated over £2.7 million towards The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. They have funded research projects, diagnosis and treatment equipment, bricks and mortar, and much more, all dedicated to improving the lives and outcomes of women with gynaecological cancer.
The Lady Garden Foundation’s awareness campaigns aim to increase women’s knowledge of the symptoms of the five gynaecological cancers: ovarian, womb, cervical, vaginal, and vulval. Out of the 57 women who get diagnosed with gynaecological cancer every day, 21 of them will die, so this knowledge can be vital in helping women to understand their own bodies and can ultimately save lives.

“We have chosen The Lady Garden Foundation as Joanie’s Charity of the Year for 2024. We want to help amplify the noise the foundation makes in raising awareness for the five gynaecological cancers, whether that's through education, helping women understand how to check themselves, or by encouraging conversations that break taboos. As a female-led business, we provide paid leave for our team to get regular cervical screening and have this commitment formally written into our company handbook - we hope this might inspire other businesses to follow suit. Our donation through sales of our floral gynaecological print PJs will go towards groundbreaking research, projects, and treatment for women with gynaecological cancer, a cause close to our hearts.”
Lucy, Brand Manager

The Lady Garden Foundation X Joanie
We’re raising funds for the Lady Garden Foundation through sales of our Lollie Pyjamas, helping support them in their mission to educate women on the five gynaecological cancers.