Joanie Shoes are made using responsibly sourced, high-quality leather and suede. Water, salt, and other atmospheric agents can permanently damage leather goods, so to keep your shoes in top condition, avoid contact with heat, oil, grease, alcohol, and other abrasive products. If your shoes have laces, remove them before cleaning and clean them separately.

Brush the shoes clean with a damp suede brush in a circular motion. Use an eco-friendly footwear care product - we recommend Liquiproof LABS - to ensure your shoes last as long as possible. For treating stains, use a clean and dry cloth with a bit of vinegar or rubbing alcohol to rub it. When the shoes are dry, use a suede brush on the surface to get their texture back.

Wipe the shoes clean with a damp cloth, then dry them with a different cloth. Buff the leather with a soft natural bristle brush to make it shiny, and use a patent leather protector to ensure your shoes last as long as possible.

If your leather shoes are particularly dirty, use a dry brush to remove the majority of the dirt, then wipe them clean with a damp cloth. Use an eco-friendly footwear care product - we recommend Liquiproof LABS - to ensure your shoes last as long as possible.

Wipe the shoes clean with a damp cloth, then dry and buff them with a different cloth. Be gentle when cleaning your metallic shoes to prevent the metallic finish from wearing off. We recommend using a cleaning solution specifically made for metallic leather and a metallic leather protector to ensure your shoes last as long as possible.
Breaking Shoes In
Every shoe style will fit differently depending on the design, so we recommend trying your shoes on for size first, standing on a carpeted surface to prevent the sole from becoming marked.
Everybody’s feet are different - for example if you’ve been wearing flat shoes like flip flops all summer, it will take your feet more time to adjust to a heeled shoe. Leather shoes can also take longer to wear in because of the nature of the material, so we’ve put together some helpful tips for breaking in a new pair of shoes:
- Wear thick socks with extra protection at the heel and ankle to reduce the risk of developing a blister!
- Massage the leather with your hands before wearing the shoes out - this helps manipulate the leather, making them more comfortable to wear sooner.
- Fasten your shoes tightly to stop your feet moving around and reduce the chance of developing a blister.
- Moisturise your feet when not wearing shoes so your feet are less likely to rub and develop a blister when you are wearing the shoes.
- Wear your shoes around the house or for short periods of time until they feel comfortable!